New YouTube Video Up!

Hey angels,

another YouTube video has gone live.. please go check it out!

A workout to do on your period..

And please subscribe!

What do you guys want to see next?

Each time I do a new video I will post up on here that I have a new video up, so if you don’t want to miss a video then please subscribe to my YouTube channel and subscribe to my blog you will then get notified and emailed each time so you don’t miss a thing!

Thank you for your support so far!

My new video today is

please check it out leave me a like, a comment and subscribe!

Much Love J x

Little Legs

Hello angels,

I hope you all had a lovely Wednesday, I have actually been a little ill yesterday and feeling better today so keeping busy by blogging..

Thank you for your support on my recent post last night, it seems it has made an impact and I’m so pleased..

I can’t wait for you angels to watch my new YouTube video from tonight it went LIVE at 5pm it’s a funny one!

Also if you guys haven’t seen it already please check out my video from Sunday 5pm. It is a video on Self-Love. And I hope so many of you gain lots from it..

If you did not see my post on Instagram this evening then, please head over to my Instagram and check it out @jaydynerunfit

Or see below…

🤷‍♀️✨🙀- “Oh look she doesn’t have a thigh gap, look at that little definition for a PT, oh look at them squished together EW, oh look how skinny they are there, but look there, they look so bulky” – Wow so many comments, so many judgements, so much for me to think about and analyze, for me to cry over, for me to worry about… Oh wait I don’t care #sorrynotsorry I love myself, I love my legs, my strong, sexy, fit, healthy legs the legs that look great in what I want to wear, the legs that catch my food when squished together so I don’t loose a drop: these legs and thighs have been good to me supported me to walk lots, run far, lift heavy, look great in a dress or jeans or NAKED and I don’t want anyone telling me otherwise cause even if they don’t look great or amazing etc etc.. they are mine and I love me. (I would also like to point out a thigh gap is not because you are skinny it is to do with bone/hip structure/layout which can be different in everyone – just wanted to brush over that).. SO

#loveyourself – Do you take these comments to heart, do you listen to what you read on social media? Do you take it in? People are cruel, they want to affect, they want to hurt, don’t listen, please ignore, you will be so much happier, none of the quotes above define happiness or health.. I know I’m healthy, I know I’m fit and happy. I know my body is powerful and great and I’m lucky and grateful to have legs, and to be able to use them as you should be. Please be YOU, love YOU and your legs and be proud💪🏼💘🤸🏼‍♂️

hope this reaches many of you – stay positive!

Much Love J x

Angel Party

Hey angels!

How are we all on this fine Friday! Today’s post is all about last weekend.

So ok you all know I love my blogging and vlogging well I went to meet fellow vloggers and bloggers and meet some of my favourite social media influencers.. wow wow wow let me tell you about my adventure last Saturday!

I have a vlog coming on my YouTube Jay’s Days to so stay tuned for that and subscribe so you don’t miss!

But basically I went all the way to London and met so many gorgeous angels, some my social media idols!

So 11am setting of for London

14:00 – arrive in London

15:00 – arrive at angel party venue (de here grand canaught rooms)

15:10 – enter get VIP wristbands and goodie bags and meet Connor Swift (Elle Darby’s boyfriend)

15:20 – met Emele (emigainstrength)

15:30 – met Elle Darby had a chat and photos

16:00 – met Alex Gould

16:30 – food/sweets time!

16:45 – met Lauren Tickner and James Smith

17:00 – met Meggan Grubb

17:15 – had my face paint and met Katie Darby

17:20 – grabbed some more food danced a little, felt so happy beaming stood with joe taking it in.

17:30 – left the venue

Caught the tube to our car and drove home!

The day above briefly on a time scale.

Saturday was epic amazing, meeting like minded people, chatting about stuff I’m actually interested in and making friends with people I will actually see and visit and do things with.

Meet ups are amazing and I fully recommend them I love them and again can’t wait to do more.

I may even create one myself? What do you think? Would you come?

Inside my goody bag I got a t-shirt, cake, fudge, notepad, fake tan, lashes and discounts for a lot! Super exciting.

I loved meeting Elle and the other girls and I’m so pleased for her reaching 100k subscribers on YouTube how amazing. Hopefully I will get far one day! Fingers crossed.

You will see the day more clearly during my YouTube video to come where I explain more on the day and why I went. But I wanted to do a small run down and share some pictures.

So thank you for reading, enjoy my Vlogs and Happy Friday.

Much Love J x

New YouTube Video Up

Hey angels,

Last night another YouTube video went live.. please go check it out!

And please subscribe

Q and A!

The questions you guys asked me!

What do you guys want to see next?

Each time I do a new video I will post up on here that I have a new video up, so if you don’t want to miss a video then please subscribe to my YouTube channel and subscribe to my blog you will then get notified and emailed each time so you don’t miss a thing!

Thank you for your support so far!

My new video today is Hey angels,

Last night another YouTube video went live.. please go check it out!

And please subscribe –

Random Favourites!

What do you guys want to see next?

Each time I do a new video I will post up on here that I have a new video up, so if you don’t want to miss a video then please subscribe to my YouTube channel and subscribe to my blog you will then get notified and emailed each time so you don’t miss a thing!

Thank you for your support so far!

My new video today is

please check it out leave me a like, a comment and subscribe!

Much Love J x

please check it out leave me a like, a comment and subscribe!

Much Love J x

New YouTube Video Up!

Hey angels,

Last night another YouTube video went live.. please go check it out!

And please subscribe –

Random Favourites!

What do you guys want to see next?

Each time I do a new video I will post up on here that I have a new video up, so if you don’t want to miss a video then please subscribe to my YouTube channel and subscribe to my blog you will then get notified and emailed each time so you don’t miss a thing!

Thank you for your support so far!

My new video today is

please check it out leave me a like, a comment and subscribe!

Much Love J x

Self Love

Hello angels,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I know for sure I did.

Thank you for your messages on my recent post it seems it has made an impact and I’m so pleased.

I can’t wait for you angels to watch my new YouTube video this Sunday coming at 5pm. it’s a video on Self-Love. And I hope so many of you gain lots from it.

If you did not see my post on Instagram Yesterday, please head over to my Instagram and check it out @jaydynerunfit

Or see below…

I want to start talking more about Self-Love, and how we do not need to be this ‘perfect’ image on Instagram and social media – “if ever there was one!”

I want you to start loving yourselves for who you are and not hating on what you don’t have but loving what you do.

Enjoy my video this Sunday to come and stay tuned for more tips and trick on self-love and self-belief.

💗- me and also me; I love #myself in both ➡️ we are all to wrapped up in the idea of looking the best for Instagram, ‘my good side’, ‘better lighting’ ‘filter that’ – I want everyone to feel confident in both, yes we all love make up, dressing up in pretty pink dresses and taking that #perfect shot, but I know for a fact I also love taking my make up off, seeing those annoying blemishes, and putting my pretty pink dressing gown on! I know in these two pictures I’m happy, I know I’m healthy and I love myself for who I am. We all need to love #ourselves for who we are and not for trying to be someone we are not. Self Love needs to occur, Self Love needs to happen – please stayed tuned to watch my new YouTube Video coming next Sunday at 5pm on #SelfLove as @justinbieber said ‘you should go and love yourself!’ Happy Sunday Angels 👼✨💘

Lets share and start loving ourselves!

Much Love J x

New YouTube Video

Hey angels,

Last night another YouTube video went live.. please go check it out!

And please subscribe

This one is A Birthday Chat

What do you guys want to see next?

Each time I do a new video I will post up on here that I have a new video up, so if you don’t want to miss a video then please subscribe to my YouTube channel and subscribe to my blog you will then get notified and emailed each time so you don’t miss a thing!

Thank you for your support so far!

My new video today is

please check it out leave me a like, a comment and subscribe!

Much Love J x

Happy V Day to YOU!

Hello angels,

today’s post is on self love ❤️

If your loving anyone on this Valentine’s Day it should sure be yourself.

I did this post a while ago but I thought today was a great day to reiterate how important self love is.

When I was on holiday I realised I need to love myself more, I need to stop hiding myself, be proud of what I do, what I look like and what I have become and I want to help others do the same..

So today I will just go through some of the top tips to help you become more in tune with yourself and love yourself for who you are..

  1. Eat nutritiously. Of course as a nutritionist I am going to advise this -Your body is one amazing thing, you simply are what you eat, you know what is good and what we should limit. Eating for your body and what it needs is one of the best things you can do. You feel better, you loook better inside and out your mind becomes more healthy and focused.
  2. Exercise lovingly. Again as a PT I know the affects exercise has on the body and the mind the serotonin fills your body with happiness. I know so many women who force themselves on the treadmill for hours because they hate their body, just do a little every now and then, blast the music, sing loud and smile while you perform and enjoy those 10 / 30 minutes you do and you will find yourself learning to love it.
  3. Take Some Time to Breathe – rushing all over don’t you have 5 mins to yourself? Make time.. take up meditation, do yoga.. sit in your room in silence take time to think your brain and mind will thank you. You will then be able to think about what you really want and need and also know what you want from life having time to tinn go further than you think rather than rushing around letting the days pass you.
  4. Sleep well; focus on getting your hours in, feeling fully recovered, feeling well rested and full of energy.
  5. Define Beauty in yourself  – what is one thing you love about yourself? Embrace that part of you, your eyes? Take pictures of them? Your laugh record yourself laughing.. laugh around people a lot.. your jokes? Tell jokes to everyone.. your feet? Where sandals whatever it maybe show it of do more of it embrace it.
  6. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others – this is a amjaor one for me. I think many people of our generation do this when we really shouldn’t. You are all your own person you will never look like or be like the person sat next to you or your next door neighbour so why try be the best version of yourself try and better yourself everyday. Why spend everyday looking at pictures of someone you can’t be and will never be. You can learn and be inspired but just learn to become a better version of you every day.
  7. Celebrate Your Wins – what are you good at? Embrace that again.. you can run well? Run races, train hard, enjoy it. You are good at studying? Study hard learn lots take exams get good grades, expand your knowledge, your a good musician? Play lots, make music, show off. What your good at let others know don’t hide it away. Who cares what you are good at you are good at it so love it and show it.
  8. Become mindful –  be mindful of who you are and what you want/need rather than what others want and need from you. Stay focused and strong even when you feel low, this will bring you out on top when you really need it. Look forward always. What is in the past is there for a reason you have learned from that and now it’s time to step forward with a strong step.
  9. Practice good self-care. Take time to have alone time really think and spend time in just your own company you are then more likely to be more in tune with yourself.
  10. Healthy social interactions – choose your friends wisely. Your vibe attracts your tribe. Be friends with people who help you grow and who support you; be a friend to those who are to you support them, help and have fun with those who respect and love you.
  11. Love hard; those who are special love them with all your heart. Those ones are special for a reason put love into them you will receive it back and you will love yourself more for putting those first and thinking of those around you.
  12. Set boundaries. You’ll love yourself more when you set limits or say no to work, love, or activities that deplete or harm you physically, emotionally and spiritually.
  13. Protect yourself. Someone bringing you down? Those friends that call themselves friends but aren’t.. get rid of them! There isn’t enough time in your life to waste on people who want to take away the shine on your face that says, “I genuinely love myself and life”. You will love and respect yourself more.
  14. Forgive yourself. We can be so hard on ourselves. Try to be less hard on yourself when you make a mistake or fail, Remember if you have learned and grow from your mistakes; there are only lessons learned.
  15. Be selfish – sometimes you have to be selfish say no to that trip, be alone and be in your own company doing your favourite hobby your mind and body will thank you. You will learn to love time alone and with others and appreciate both sides more.
  16. Live intentionally. Visualise your intentions and goals then every day as you are living you have a goal and a purpose something you are aiming for and achieving while living your life.
  17. Identify qualities you admire. Find qualities that you admire in others and that you want to learn… Identify your flaws also: Think about the things that you don’t like about yourself.. Decide what you want to change and if you want to change them. Change for what you want not what others want from you.
  18. Smile everyday. Look at others and randomly smile. Look at yourself in the mirror and smile. You can actually trick your mind and body into thinking you are happy, smiley and loving yourself then you actually learn to.

Hope these tips help you guys out. Always love yourself for you..

Much Love J x

Birthday Weekend Away

Hey angels, so last weekend my boyfriend treated me to a weekend away for my birthday. Spoilt I know! So here is a brief outlook on our weekend.


We left work and grabbed our bags from home, we then travelled around 40 minutes to our destination which was Kenwick Spa and Lodges in Louth Lincolnshire.

We went to the reception and got our key.. we were number 51. We then had to drive into some woods behind this reception. We went past many other lodges as we got deeper into the forest. We then arrived at our lodge. I will insert some pictures. But Basically the lodge was huge there was only two of us but it slept 6! The rooms were massive, two bathrooms a kitchen and a living room all decorated lovely, clean and tidy!

We unpacked a little and then set back out to find a supermarket. We grabbed some food, sweets and wine for our Friday evening. Once we returned home Joe my boyfriend cooked my favourite meal, fajitas, sweet potatoes cubes and rice. We had some wine and sweets and watched titanic. It was so lovely having our own space and just being alone doing nothing. The lodge was warm and cosy and we went to sleep around midnight.


Saturday morning we woke up and had the most amazing chocolate cereal for breakfast I started my day with chocolate and sweets but it’s my birthday so I’m allowed. LOL then we went down to the spa and gym and oh my wow. It was amazing I loved it so much! We went into the gym first and did a workout. I focused on total body. It was great training in a different gym, and with my boyfriend. We then got changed and went for a little swim and then used the spa facilities we used the steam room, sauna, jacuzzi, foot spa, aromatherapy room, ice room, and hydrotherapy pool which was outdoors. It was stunning and I loved it so much I can’t wait to return. Once we were done we returned back to the lodge and had some dinner. We then chilled out I did some editing as a Vlog of this weekend is coming! And then we waited for our friends to arrive! Once our friend Hollie and Lewis had a arrived for our second night away we had some snacks and some drinks and got ready for our meal out. We ended up going to a lovely Little Italian then for some drinks. I think next time we come to the lodge though we will order in and no go out as we missed the lodge!

When we came home we had more food, and drinks watched films and went to bed.


Once everyone was awake we had some breakfast and sat talking for ages which was so nice and so does up to just catch up and be with friends. We then got ready and went into Lincoln to a wedding show as our friends that came over have just got engaged. I am chief bridesmaid and Joe my boyfriend got asked to be best man this Sunday also. So it was the perfect 4 going to the wedding fair. I have done a vlog on this and recorded lots so stay tuned for that!! After the wedding show we went to Wagamamas for lunch and then made our way home after a little look in Primark. Which surprisingly I didn’t get a thing!!

My weekend was amazing and we are looking at doing it again very soon!

To sum up-

  • Kenwick Spa and Lodges check them out they have 71 lodges and a hotel an amazing spa and retreat and gym!
  • Based in Lincolnshire so not far to travel.
  • In Louth so close to Louth centre and a few miles from Lincoln city.
  • Price for whole stay including lodge and spa- £300
  • Check in time 5pm Friday
  • Check out time 12pm Sunday
  • Fully Recommend
  • Thank you for reading once again.
  • Much Love J x

New YouTube Video

Hey angels,

Last night another YouTube video went live.. please go check it out.

This one is a HIIT workout..

What do you guys want to see next?

Each time I do a new video I will post up on here that I have a new video up, so if you don’t want to miss a video then please subscribe to my YouTube channel and subscribe to my blog you will then get notified and emailed each time so you don’t miss a thing!

Thank you for your support so far!

My new video today is

please check it out leave me a like, a comment and subscribe!

Much Love J x