Vegan Protein Sources

So like the last vegetarian post I am going to reiterate vegan protein sources, as some vegatrian options like eggs, and milk are not subtitle for vegans.

Briefly; definitions of vegetarian and vegans –

Vegetarian – noun; a person who does not eat meat or fish, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons.

Vegan – noun; a person who does not eat or use animal products.

  1. Veggies of course, lots of vegetables are packed with protein, especially potato and spinach.
  2. Hemp. No, you don’t have to get high to get your protein. But toss 30 grams of hemp powder in your smoothie and get about 11 grams of protein – woah.
  3. Non-Dairy Milk. Got (soy) milk? A mere 1 cup of soy or almond milk can pack about 7-9 grams of protein. Eat with some cereal and you’ve got a totally vegan-friendly breakfast.
  4. Nut Butter! YUM
  5. Quinoa. I kinda think Quinoa is God’s gift to vegans (and gluten-free peeps!), as it’s versatile, delicious and delivers about 9 grams of protein per cup.
  6. Tofu.
  7. Lentils.
  8. Beans – beans and soybean and kidney beans.
  9. Tempeh. One cup of tempeh packs abour 30 grams of protein.
  10. Sprouted-grain bread.
  11. Oats
  12. Green peas
  13. Seeds – chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds.
  14. I’m going nuts!! – Walnuts, hazelnuts, cashew nuts, and peanut butter are an amazing snack always.

Hope this helps some of my vegan angels remember to always do your own research too.

Much Love J x

GymChick Closures

Hello angels, so this one is mainly for my clients, so they know what’s going on with GYMCHICKS and BODYMOVES.

Some of you may have seen on the Facebook page or on the event that we are closed over the Christmas period.

With moving house, and obviously moving gym, with it also being Christmas and people cancelling anyway I thought it would be best to close for those two weeks anyway. It gives us all a chance to rest up, re-gain motivation and sort lots of things out!

If any of my clients would like some home workouts created personally for you to take and do at home, then I am more than happy to create these for a small fee.

I am happy to text and message you over this period also to help with any training, nutrition, or motivation.

I will be sharing lots on the Facebook page to get us ready for the new year so keep an eye out!

A good idea for my clients to do or any of my followers for the new year would be to write down two goals you would like to aim for in January and 2018 and bring this back on your first session and plan to act upon it in 2018



Most of all please enjoy your Christmas and new year, eat lots, get merry and don’t worry about your fitness and nutrition goals, memories and family are far more important! This year, a Monday actually falls on the 1st of January, this means we can attack a new week, a new year and new goals and smash them all at the same time!

The full date of closures – closed from –

Monday 18th of December to Monday the 1st of January.

If this date changes due to any of my moving complications, I shall let you all know.

Any questions please text me on 07565850175.

Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, From Jaydyne and GYMCHICKS.

Much Love J x

Cheeky Chest #Part2

So the last time I really spoke about my chest/heart was when I got a new tattoo I posted a picture with this caption..

– haven’t talked about my new tattoo much but it does mean the world to me.. I started to explain to a friend the reason behind it and thought why not share a post.. Basically I am an athlete and I have a heart condition which I struggle with in silence everyday; my heart is to big for my ribs and chest, my heart presses on my rib cage causing pain and it’s called a muscoskeletal condition it affects my racing and my training; it upsets me a lot but at the same time I’m grateful cause at least my heart keeps beating and keeps me on this planet. If your interested in my condition I have written a blog post on it at the link thank you for reading and much love to you all following me♥️🤳🏻💓💜✨

I think it’s best I now update you on the situation as many of you have been in contact, have been asking and have been worried about me and I thank you all a lot. I was in hospital last week after racing last weekend so I’m now under more investigation but here is a post so you understand the problemo..

So if you haven’t read my cheeky chest part one post I will remind you about that now..

Basically since i was about 12 i have had chest pains in the area around my heart, often it comes a tight due to being a little anxious or stressed or coffee but that is very rare. The pain usually and mostly occurs during exercise, so being a runner this proves very difficult sometimes.

The pain is sharp and i want to grab my heart area, it then aches, it makes me feel like i want to remove the ribs in front, to like give my heart some room, its very hard to explain, the pain get worse when i exert myself so when i push harder say, when sprinter or coming to the finish line, my chest becomes so tight, i feel like my ribs may burst, i grit my teeth a lot, it makes me want to scream and cry sometimes when its so bad. when it occurs i have to usually pull back, slow down so the pain becomes less sharp and more of an ache, because until recently i didn’t fully understand what the problem was, and i couldn’t push myself just incase something worse occurred.

the pain tends to slow after i finish the rain/exertion, but the next day is just as bad, the day after, my chest is so achy its as if some has been jumping over and over on my chest, or throwing bricks at it, i take tablets to help ease the pain,  but if i try and exert myself the day after too the pain is just as bad, thinking about it now makes me wince and feel sick! i also have a HRM (heart rate monitor watch) in which i watch my heart rate all the time as it reaches up to 198,199,200!! crazy right! It has been recently 205. The pain hit my chest, back and left arm so obviously this started more alarm bells and I have now been taken back in for more tests.

i have had many ECG tests, treadmill tests and last year a MRI scan, which thankfully concluded, i don’t have a heart condition! but i do still have a problem, i do still have pain and have to be careful, so more investigation may occur soon.. but basically that’s now so I have had blood test, more ECG’s and x-rays and we are now waiting again.. like I said in my last post they think it’s a ‘muscular skeletal condition’ so a condition which is more to do with the bones and the intercostal muscles. trying to explain this so you understand its as if my heart is trying to escape my rib cage, surrounding area. the heart is a muscle and when under exercise it enlarges and will get bigger and bigger when working harder, basically my chest/rib area is very small its not full size i have a very tiny frame, and due to an accident i had when i was 12 (i damaged my ribs, fracturing a rib, causing it to know be squashed) they are now thinking this is related, and that there is not enough room in my chest in order for my heart to enlarge fully when exerting myself. its as if the heart is pressing against the ribs and thats what is hurting me I still believe this is the problem and that’s it not my heart but they want to be sure of course. And if it definitely is my ribs and intercostal muscles how do I help and treat this.

it drives me insane when I’m competing and i want to push harder and harder, my legs can do it, I’ve train so hard, my mind can do it, i can push mentally so far, but the best pain comes and it as if I’m floating and i just can’t push past it. very frustrating a cheeky chest indeed. hoping to eventually find out the real problem and hopefully sort it out so i can achieve the best i can/want. i will keep you all updated anyway and let you know of any news about it! i don’t let  it get in my way, i still train all the time and compete loads, it won’t stop me!

so whatever happens just think at least your not an idiot like me, having a chest condition and still wanting to be an athlete! it would be ok if i was into knitting or colouring something less active!! haha, just never give up guys, no matter what life throws at you, I’m still going to continue to be me and do what I love.. but wish me luck with my results and that from then on I get the help I need.

happy living

Much Love J

Vegetarian, how do I keep my protein levels up?

Hello angels..

So some of my clients have been asking this question for a while now: so time to do a post.

Many of us are or either come across someone who is vegetarian or vegan these days..

If you are not vegan or vegetarian or pescatarian I do suggest keeping lots of meat in your diet. It’s full off many nutrients – including high in protein.

So this post is aimed at vegetarians or those thinking of becoming a vegetarian, I will be doing another post soon on vegans as this is more in depth and some of the vegetarian options are not suitable for vegans.

So it seems vegetarians are worried they are not getting enough protein, or need ideas on how to get their protein levels up so here are my suggestions.

  • Quinoa – is edible seeds.
  • Buckwheat – is grain-like seeds
  • Cheese 🧀
  • Soy Protein: (firm tofu), (tempeh), (natto)
  • Quorn – meat substitute
  • Rice 🍚
  • Ezekiel Bread 🍞
  • Veggies: yes lots of vegetables are full of protein such as broccoli, cauliflower sprouts and spinach 🥒
  • Hemp
  • Milk – especially soy or almond milk 🍼
  • Nut Butter/ peanut butter 🥜
  • Tofu as mentioned before.
  • Lentils
  • Beans – full of protein and fibre
  • Edamame
  • Nuts 🥜 and Seeds.
  • Eggs 🍳
  • Certain yogurts – some high protein low sugar yogurts are amazing at getting the protein in
  • And of course protein shakes and bars 🍫

I suggest researching these options, shopping around I know the big shopping markets like TESCO and Asda will be able to supply and help with these mentioned above.

Hope this helps a few of you and some of my clients much love angels and happy Friday!

Much Love J x