
👦🏻♥️ – Not all princes wear armour, not all princes are frogs first, not all super heroes wear capes and not all kings wear a crown.. some dreams become reality and some princesses do become queens.. 👸🏼💗

😄💜The smile on his face is how my heart looks every time I see him, how I can be so low at one moment to having his arms around me and feel that all fall away..🥰💆🏼‍♀️

🤗🙋🏼‍♀️People want to around you, people want to be you, people are jealous of your caring heart, your kindness, your love & talent, people want to be your friend, your best friend, they crave to be in your company and adore their time with you and I don’t blame them, I’m just the lucky one that gets to call you mine💏👫

Thank you. For being you. And being mine. Don’t change. I love you..💗

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