Fabulous FRAMFEST 

So as many of you know my wonderful mother who is like superwomen puts on a mini festival every year, now I say mini but I don’t know why because it keeps growing every year! Hundreds of people attended last year which was amazing. These greatest thing about it is that my mother does not earn a penny from doing this work she gives it all to charity, so admirable!
Some of you may have heard of it, some not, so here is the low down the day is amazing but I am biased but it consists of around 8 acts/bands/performances; ranging from bands like The Vigilantes, The Ultraviolet, Fusion, Scapa Flow , The Strellies ,Status Quote, to solo acts such as Matty Haynes, Phoebe Ophila to acts like 50 sniffs and Stuart playing the ukulele.

The music ranges from all years and genres fitting for all the family.
The field is based in Frampton, hence ‘FRAM’ fest, it’s the field very next St Marys Frampton church and the whole thing is organised by its committee. No one earns a penny it goes all into the church. The field is full of things to do also while listening to the music it changes every year but most of the times things such as, a hotdog and burger stand spend the day with us and also, a sweet stall, potato chip stall, curry, stir fry and Mexican style food stall, a licensed bar, a forever living stall, a vintage clothing and furniture stalls, fair rides, bouncy slides, skinners ice-cream and I’m not joking so much more for a little field and festival it’s a rather big turnout!

So the people, the people make the day, the bands, all the help, the committee and of course you guys that come along adding the money to the church and for charity you make the day. The sun shines and everyone bring picnics, blankets, chairs and alcohol and spend the day from around 1pm to 8pm.
The doors open at 1pm and the bands begin at 2pm so you have time to get down, ready and settle ready to watch all the performances. When I think about how much there is to do, it would be a great day even without the bands everyone is chatting and having fun and it brings families out and friends together. It fit all age groups all day long. The day does finish around 8pm usually with a DJ with fab music to get you ready for a night out after maybe? It’s always the last Saturday in June every year and this year it will be on the 24th June 2017.
Ticket prices so this year the price will be for an adult £5 for a children £1.50. Remember all the money goes to charity so you doing a great cause and in trade for a fabulous day at FRAMFEST
Make sure you keep up to date with it all on FRAMFEST Facebook page and twitter page and keep a look out on the new website, for any new posts and surprises of what may occur on the day.
A massive thank you to my mother Jo-Anne Overton for an amazing day every year, she works so very hard the whole year round to make this happen. And a big thanks to all the committee that help put the day together from marquees to taking money you are all fabulous!!

         Much Love J and all at FOFC x

Get To Know Me Tag #ReallyWell Part 2

So as you know I have already done a get to know me tag blog post and YouTube video but people are always messaging asking to know more about my life so I will be answering some questions you have asked let’s jump straight in.. 

  1. what is one thing that has happened in your life that has made you a strong person
  • Going through such an ordeal with my father and family. As you have read in my previous precious papa post my dad nearly died. I had to grow up but not only that I was bullied too this is also in another post. All of it has taught me how to be aware, care thoroughly, look out for those I adore and love properly. It has made me who I am today; dealing with myself, my mum and my dad at this time has made me so strong today. 
  1. What is one thing that has happened in your life that has made you feel weak?
  • Being bullied as well as being bullied at school I was bullied in the workplace this did make me feel weak for a few moments in my life briefly. A few months went by when I struggled but I have learnt from it though and have got stronger in the outcome..
  1. Where is one place where you feel most like yourself? 
  • At home or anywhere with my family – my five birds mean the world anywhere with them I can be my true self. 
  1. Where is your favourite place to escape to?
  • Usually the fields of Frampton Haha, running is my escape and running makes me feel happy to be alive so I think that is what you would call an escape and when I go running with my boyfriend Joe I feel super happy. 
  1. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? 
  • Ah so many things ha too many but I think a big one would probably be my chest/my heart/muscular skeletal area if I could have my rib area changed to help my heart and chest pains I think that would be my answer: to change it so I could become a better runner and a stronger runner as it is my passion. 
  1. If you had one last day left to live what would you do? 
  • I would spend it with my family either abroad or in the county side I would run, eat lots, drink proescco, wear my favourite clothes, dance, sing, smile, laugh, go driving, eat so many potatoes, try and stalk people I admire, kiss joe a lot! And spend my time with my favourite people!
  1. What is your favourite thing about your best friend? 
  • Man a hard one I love everything about them probably that even when I’m sad they make me happy they make me laugh till my belly hurts and will always encourage me to follow my dreams with their love and support the whole way. 
  1. Do you take compliments well?
  • I’m unsure depends what they are complimenting if it’s my highlighter yes haha I love that one! if it’s my body or face like my teeth I get a little bit weird about that if it’s my work it makes me very happy really. Some things are more personal and I can’t take it others yes so mixed really. 
  1. Do you believe in love at first sight? 
  • I don’t know if I believe in love at first sight but I do believe in something a switch or a trigger a spark as they say when you meet that someone you just click or you know you will like them. I met my boyfriend of 6 years now when I was in year 7 and I do remember the first time I met him even saw him. I watched him walk in and through the room for some reason I don’t know why I was drawn and intrigued but I wouldn’t tell anyone. I guess that’s what it was. 
  1. If you were a man for a day what would you do? 
  • Erm go running really fast see what a mans body can do and how far it can be pushed and train hard wee in the street just to try it out, lol and pretend I’m in a band lol. 
  1. What is one thing you would love to learn more about? 
  • I would love to learn about running, fitness and nutrition; to help my career. I would like to learn maybe a language and learn about the psychology of people too I also find that very interesting. 
  1. What advice would you give to someone just starting there fitness journey?
  • To someone starting their fitness journey it’s all very slow and steady that’s the best way.  Focusing purely on fitness rather than nutrition I would advise walks four times a week, light body weighted exercises or light dumbbell work. I would also recommend cycling and bike rides as running and aerobics and more high impact activities can cause injury quickly into your first stages of your fitness journey. Don’t train everyday don’t do hours upon hours there is no need; take a slow and steady approach fitting into your lifestyle you already have. 
  1. What is your favourite midnight snack? 
  • Ham. lol I know it’s a weird one but packeted salty ham in the night with ketchup is my guilty favourite. 

    So above are a few that I have worked my way through.. hope you have enjoyed this and getting to know me more. See you next time. Any posts you would like let me know in the comments below.. 

                         Much love J x

    Blimey Braces (6 months on)

    So many have requested an update on my teeth so here we have it..

    I have to say I think it’s crazy how it’s been only 6 months with these on and the difference is really crazy fast.  I shall remind you I got fastbraces on the 25th of October 2016. 

    So we are just over 6 months into the treatment and i wanted to let you know and update you on the progress as many of you have asked how it has been so another top ten today on the progress and experience with these braces. 

    1. My fangs i am unsure what the technical term for these teeth are know as im thinking incisors? Lived up inside my gums then have now moved down so so much; it feels amazing for my gums and i can tell the difference every day. This has progressed massively they are now completely in line with the other teeth and back slightly making them look small yay. 
    2. I don’t get rubbing anymore my mouth has adapted and I sometimes forget I have them on.
    3. I have had lacing bands on which look weird and like they would hurt but they don’t and these have made a massive difference in aligning them all. 
    4. After tightneing each time:- the pains ware off after 3 days now rather than 7 days each time and they are tightened now every 5 weeks not 3. 
    5. I can now eat all foods bar tough crusts, sweet corn like corn on the cob or spinach as it’s just there for days in my brace haha. 
    6. I have elastic bands on certain teeth to now correct my bite. There are two types one for the night time and one for the day time but not all pateints need these bands it depends on your bite. These are a pain don’t look attractive but are essential. But I have them out roughly 5 hours a day the rest of the time they are in. 
    7. My teeth no longer feel wobbly. Now they are just closing some small gaps like in my front two teeth and lining some at the back. 
    8. When looking in my mouth they are all so straight and lined up it looks amazing see pictures below. 
    9. I have some mini brushes for in between my brackets, i use these at night time only; I brush twice a day now I’m use to it. 
    10. I drink everything through and straw and eat very slowly so i do not damage or stain my teeth, or break brakets I still do this!!

    I am so very excited for changes and end result, wish me luck i still get nervous everytime i go. I have lots of pain during tightening when i go so i have to have 4 injections each time which means my whole jaw, lips and nose are numb for about 4 hours! Its crazy but it helps me get through the tightening treatment. Not every paitent experiences this but i have very strong teeth so its needed. 
    The pictures below are now and when i very first got them done its only been 6months so i am very excited. YAY!! I shall update you in months to come! Though I am predicted them of soon so we shall see woo!

    Wish me look, any tips and tricks please comment! Message me for anymore info, Thanks for reading! 

                                 Much Love J x

    Before and now picture below 

    Learn to love yourself – ‘5 to do’s’

    Yes that’s right you need to learn to love yourself.

    You are amazing.

    We all have confidence issues however big or small we all got em’! 

    So I just want to give you all some tips on how to help your confidence and learning to love yourself each and everyday. 

    As Ed Sheeran says “life is more than fitting in your jeans” ;so if your always worrying about your weight and size please stop it’s not the worst that could happen.

    If your always worrying about someone else being prettier or someone’s hair being better than yours or someone accomplishing more in life like quicker than you; just remember your the only YOU in the world and no one can do YOU better than YOU. 

    1. Write down two things a day one thing that you love about you life and one thing that you love about yourself whether it be physical or not appreciate yourself every day. 
    2. Tell yourself each day, your alive, your well, you have been given another day to enjoy, accomplish and learn something new.. not everyone gets tomorrow. 
    3. If you can’t love it – be proactive; hate your house look to save or move, hate the colour of your hall way paint it – That thing you hate whether it be your legs your stomach or even the spots on your face put something in place to show you have noted what you don’t like and your now going to do something about it. For instance your going to get some new products and do a new face regime to help the spots or visit the doctor a plan is the first step the rest follows. 
    4. Life is not a competition with your friends, partner or the girl on instagram it’s all about beating yourself; competition with your PB, ticking off all your jobs to do. Overcoming your past.. Like whatever happened that is in the past in a ‘the past box’ leave it there! why open it again? that one is closed open your new box and place your new favourite things in. For example – in the past you use to hate your body not train and binge eat; in your new box you know you want your body to change so you have added some exercise to your life, eating a normal diet and focusing on making that smile grow on your face and filling that box with your new life. Create goals and actions to place in your box. 
    5. You may have heard this a million times on social media but it’s so very true surround yourself with positive people. They don’t have to like what you do love what you do or be like you but they must understand why you do things, why you want to do that, why you are being the way you are and help you with it. I have had to change some of my friendship groups through my life and now I feel like I have people around me that understand me and want to be there. We help each other grow, have fun and embrace each other’s craziness. I only want happy people around me now.  I know what I want and what I need. Once you are clear on who is helping you and who is not happy for you and who wants to hinder your life you know who to cut out and act upon. It actually makes a massive difference you can grow without people trying to get in your way. 

    We all have our own lives, we don’t need some people; others we really do need there. But the main thing is that we know who we are, what we want and what we are striving for, when you don’t care what others think or believe (in a respectful way) then you don’t worry, you be you and make the very best of it. Thinking of your own goals in life life not others. 
    Everyone has goals things they want to accomplish, this is your life create your own road and path don’t follow someone else’s trail.. 
                  Much love to you all J x 

    Top Ten – Fun Facts #2

    So you asked for another top ten tips; so today’s is on our main source of energy being carbohydrates! 

    As there is so much to say and explain with this topic; I will try and do the top ten carbohydrates in a few separate parts…

    Many people avoid carbs when getting healthy or dieting and it really winds me up. Who told you this rubbish?! We need carbs. No carbs before marbs is the most stupidest thing I ever did hear!

    1. Carbohydrates help you to feel fuller for longer.

    2. Carbohydrates will be converted to glucose.

    3. Glucose from carbohydrates can be used by our body as a source of energy.

    4. Carbohydrates provide us with our main source of energy.

    5. Carbohydrates helps to regulate levels of blood sugar.

    6. Carbohydrates helps to prevent constipation, fight against cancer & heart disease

    7. There are two types of carbohydrates: complex and simple.

    8. Complex carbohydrates are generally found in foods that are high in starch, such as legumes, pasta and rice. Complex means – Complex carbohydrates may be referred to as dietary starch and are made of sugar molecules strung together like a necklace. They are usually richer in fiber. 

    9. Simple carbohydrates are often found in fruits and vegetables, as well as refined food products, such as sweets, white flour, and white cane sugar. Simple means – Simple carbohydrates are sugars. All simple carbohydrates are made of just one or two sugar molecules. They are the quickest source of energy, as they are very rapidly digested.

    10. Carbohydrates are mainly broken down and metabolised in the gut, where they are absorbed into the bloodstream as individual molecules of glucose and then used for our main source of energy.

    Keep an eye out for the part 2 of the carbohydrate top ten; I hope by giving you this information in short sweet and a concise way you are able to learn from my posts.

    Thanks again for reading.

    Please like and please share! 
                          Much love J x

    Top Ten – Fun Facts #1

    Hello angels; hope you are all enjoying this lovely sunny weather I know I am. I know i usually post on a Sunday but as it’s lovely weather I have been writing lots of posts in the sun and thought I would share it a day early.

    I’m hoping to write some more posts over the next two weeks as I have some time off work. Anything you would like me to work on or write about let me know in the comments below. 

    Today’s another top ten based on water and fruits, I will try and do one for all lots of food groups and also focus on main macronutrients and give you tips and tricks: if you come training with me you know and will receive lots of facts and information on these topics anyway. 

    1. By the time a person feels thirsty, his or her body has lost over 1 percent of its total water amount.

    2. The weight a person loses directly after intense physical activity is weight from water, not fat.

    3. A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.

    4. Apples float in water because they are 25% air. 

    5. An average strawberry has around 200 seeds. 

    6. Kiwi contains twice as much Vitamin C as an orange. 

    7. The cabbage encloses nearly as much water as watermelon. Watermelon contains 92% water where cabbage is 90% and carrots are 87%. 

    8. Soft drinks, coffee, and tea, while made up almost entirely of water, also contain caffeine. Caffeine can act as a mild diuretic, preventing water from traveling to necessary locations in the body.

    9. Roughly 70 percent of an adult’s body is made up of water.

    10. Fruits are nature’s marvelous gift, they are life-enhancing medicines packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and many phytonutrients. They are an absolute feast to our sight, not just because of their color and flavor but of their unique nutrient profile that helps the human body be fit, rejuvenate, and free of diseases!
    Thanks again for reading, please share and comment…

                          Much Love J x


    Could I be your PT?

    Hello its that time of year again, where everyone is wanting to get fit and healthy for summer; everyone is trying the gym and the ‘protein shakes’ ready for their ‘summer body’ but why is it a summer body why not a healthy body all year round a happy healthy you all the time. 

    But yes I understand of course this is the time of year where everyone kicks into it and I embrace that. 

    But if you really are looking for something this year to kick start your butt then maybe im the right PT for you. 

    1. I am qualified in Personal training and Nutrition so i can work on your exercise and diet!
    2. I can train you on a 1:1 basis on a Tuesday or a Thursday.  
    3. I can create schedules for you to take away with you and try at home in your gym all taloried to suit you, your lifestyle and goals. 
    4. I can do online training, which is if you dont have time to meet and train with me personally i can email you over training and diet sheets monthly created just for you. 
    5. Along side the email and texting stystem i then text or email at anytime checking how the training or diet is going!
    6. As well as all this you can call or text me at anytime for guidence and help. I can also send videos and pictures with diagrams to show you how to perform certain exercises and moves to your routine. 
    7. I dont shout at people im not that type of trainer if your doing something wrong i shall tell you and advise but at the end of the day the decision to become healthier and fitter is down to you im there to guide. 
    8. Some people like to visit me once a month and take training sheets with then to there own gym for the rest of the month so they teach themselves to train as i guide and correct them. 
    9. Feel free to text or message me for a chat to see what would work for you. 
    10. Always happy to help and advise! 

    Thank you for reading; please share!

                  Much love to you all J x