Many Magazines

so since January i have been receiving a monthly subscription to the ‘women running’ magazine. my auntie got it for me as a christmas present and it sure is a brill pressie!

i love to learn i love to research and read about things that interest me, a magazine all about running all about sports clothes, other people like me sharing their stories its perfect for me to have a read in the evening a flick through when i have a spare minute.

my dad when he was younger had a subscription to ‘athletics weekly’ and he collected years and years worth of magazines, but he would star in them so that was much cooler and interesting!

the magazine i have at the moment is awesome i love seeing what other people are doing what type of techniques and styles, and strategies they take, and learning from them really.

here are some pictures below of what the magazines look like and what they offer inside. i know many of us prefer to watch tele and youtube now a days but if you like me and love a good magazine then get your subscription in, if done over months or year/s it can also save you money.

check out the site of the magazine i like
Below are a few of the things the magazines touch on –

  • training tips
  • health and nutrition adivice
  • events in certain areas
  • inspiration quotes and stories from other people and fitness friends 
  • new fitness gear and clothing 
  • exercises ideas and tip, and examples
  • also new fitness gadgets
  • And lots more too

i gain so many ideas and knowledge from the magazines and something so different  in each, all my family read different things, my mum reads loads of books but im not into that so a mag does me fine!  so have a look about have a little research and see what you fancy, you can by them once have a trial and see and then buy them and order them in bulk when you fancy a full subscription but i fully recommend it, especially for someone wanting to learn more, read more and grow their mind of knowledge whatever the topic maybe, there is a magazine to match!

what magazines do you like?
recommend any for me?

happy reading
much love J

Tattoo Time

so a little something you probably didn’t know about me is that I’ve have 6 tattoos.

tattoos are a cringing thought yes, but if done well, they look awesome and become a little bit addictive.

i always make sure i research loads on what i want, and any styles, that may sway my mind.

i sometimes draw it on, to create, an image in its place, and to see if i would want it there permanently. i also research where i would want to get it done at, and who i want to do it for me.

my tattoos;

  1. first one on my back at the bottom is a quote – ‘all you need is love’ in lovely script. It didn’t hurt, and love it very much even though its on my back and i never really see it.
  2. my 5 birds for my five important people in my life on my inner left foot now they did hurt a bit ha!
  3. next was my quote which i live by ‘never give up’ which is within a infinity symbol meaning continuous / repeat so i never give up over and over even when something knocks me back thats on my right arm, middle of the bicep.
  4. then i got my moon on the side of my wrist, which relates to my grandad we say to each other ‘love you to the moon and back’
  5. then i got my running girl, on my right ankle, as i am a runner but i didn’t love it ever so much so i..
  6. I got it covered with a feather and i associate feathers to do with some of my friends and family that have passed, so they are always with me. you can still see the runner through it a little which i think is quite smart to.

all my 6 tattoos mean something to me and i love them all, really think about the design and where you want it done. pain you ask, not much really depends what area the worst area for me was my outer foot/ankle as its very bony, but once its there you forget about the pain. Pain is temporary. I  recommend people to get one if they are debating it.. Some people love them some people hate them its a matter of opinion with this subject and each to their own!

happy tattooing
much love J



Moi, Me, My..

oh hey its me! a little post for you to get to know me!!

i’m a female, 21, from Lincolnshire in the UK, i feel have repeated this so many times in my blog already so why not do something a little different to get to know ‘about’ me such as what the you tubers do.. the get to know me tag!

so here goes..

Get to Know Me Tag Questions:

What is your favorite color?


Who was your first best friend?

my mother and my boyfriend joe

How tall are you?

5ft 4

Cats or Dogs?


Funniest moment throughout School?

can’t pick one loved everything at school haha

How many countries have you visited?

probably about 10?

Are you in/gone to college/university?

did open uni got half a degree now studying something very different through open college

What was your favorite/worst subject in secondary School?

fave – physical education

worst – maths

What is your Favorite drink?

diet coke

What is your favorite animal?


What is your favorite perfume?

beyonce heat

Tea or Coffee?


What would you (or have you) name your children?

no idea rn

What Sports do you play/Have you played?

runner, athlete rn but always loved athletics, gymnastics, netball, rounders

What is your favorite book?

jess ennis autobiography?

Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?

Zanna van Dijk, Tally Rye, Brittany Dawn, Gracefituk, Hazel Wallace..

What is your favorite movie?

oh my goodness no idea i love so many movies?! 

Are you Single or Taken?


Whats your idea of an ideal first date?

food food food, i love food..

How many Girlfriends/Boyfriends have you had?

1 proper boyfriend

Favourite memory from childhood?

laughing so many times till my belly hurt

Do you speak any different languages and how well?

no.. Portuguese a little not very well at all, i need to get back to it..

Do you have any siblings?

yes.. sister tag will occur soon I’m sure.. (I have a post on her to on my blog)

How would you describe your fashion sense?

weird and wonderful, i like different, funky and vintage.. depop is my fave for this..

What is your favorite restaurant?

thai food mmm

What are some of your favorite tv shows?


PC or mac?

Mac! love my macbook..

What phone do you have? (iOS v Android?)

iPhone 6

Tell us one of your bad habits!

biting my nails unless i have acrylics done at that time, sometimes pulling random strands of hair out! whoops i know i shouldn’t..

Extras- i go on holiday every year to the same place in Portugal, I’m part of nene valley harriers athletics team, i adore good food, oats, veggies and i do love a good big share bag of hairdos to myself of course hehe, i love builders, strong tea, i look a little bit like Elsa from frozen, i have 5 tattoos. and have been with my boyfriend 5 years now! my father is my coach, who nearly died 10 years ago from a fitness accident but didn’t give up and is a walking miracle, and my mum who is my best friend ever, my sister is the most caring supportive person and i don’t know what i would do without any of them.. i have a muscular skeletal problem surrounding my ribs and heart which means during racing and exertion i sometimes get chest pains but it doesn’t stop me doing what i love, i will never give up and strive for what makes me happy each and every day!


there you go a little but about me..

much love J x





Frightening Foam

that frightening foam roller, that devil that makes everything so much better!!

don’t know what a foam roller is? let me explain..

“foam rolling,” (Self-myofascial release) has helped myself, and other fitness finatics, other athletes, some coaches too. its basically a piece of equipment to help self-massage, yourself, to help release muscle tightness, lactic acid, or trigger points in the body.

This method can be performed with a foam roller, or just a small ball. the foam roller helps by applying pressure (usually your body weight), to specific points on your body you are then helping in the recovery of muscles and helping in returning them to normal function.
Normal function means your muscles are elastic, healthy, and ready to go! i use a foam roller most days see picture below – i use it mostly on my legs, quads and hamstring, performing different exercises/moves, usually placing my whole body weight on the pressure point, pressing it against the foam roller, massaging it over and over, at first it does slightly hurt then the muscle and tightness, starts to relax and it eases off and i promise it does make it feel better! i do this every day, or every other day. i find it really does help.

Foam rolling helps you to control your own healing and recovery process by applying the amount of pressure YOU want, in precise locations, because only you can feel exactly what is happening. unlike if you went for a massage from someone else. the foam roller helps release trigger points, it helps to build up or maintain proper movement, pain free movement!
stretching alone is not always enough to help the muscle tightness, which is why foam rollers are great and are now becoming more and more popular. Foam rolling can help in breaking up these muscle knots, and it can help resume normal blood flow too. If our muscles are not taken care of properly we can experience loss of flexibility, and painful movement.

remember to always do you own research on what it is, what it does, how it helps, and what to buy that is best for you. this is just my own opinion and judgement on them, make your own mind up after personal research…

happy rolling
much love J

Perfect Pets

another personal post and a cute post alert! you will just have to “aww” at this one.

my pets.. my lickle babies!

in my life i have had three rabbits named Smokey, Honey and Bug. i have also had 5 guinea pigs, Milky, Fluffy, Patrick, Dexter and Splodge. My sister also had a hamster called Amelia.
Alive today is only Splodge and Bug they haven’t all lived together, Bug is only 9 months old and quite new like splodge but before they arrived Honey lived 11 years and fluffy 3! they have all had a brilliant life, sharing it with one or two other animals in a big hutch having lots of freedom on the grass and to run, and i find a lot of comfort in them all.

my runt of the litter was smokey my first ever pet, he also died on my birthday but he was my very favourite pet, and i miss him lots as when i felt sad i would go and chat to him as if he was a friend and we were having a cup of tea, i would teach him to do assault courses in my room, and then we would have snuggles in my blankets.

i have bathed all my animals i love putting them in the bath with pet bubble bath and then blow drying them off, fluffy the  gunea pig loved this the most. splodge he is very greedy with his food, bit like me and they have all enjoy the sun, all off them spreading out to catch the rays.

I also have a lead for my pets for my guineapig and rabbit yes thats right nope not a dog but i can take them for a walk around the garden on their very own lead. Its super cute! The house they live in at the moment has an upstairs and downstairs and a veranda extension bit as they love to run about on the grass. Its soeasy  to clean out with the removable tray and i just quickly do that everyday it takes literally 2 minutes.

I know some pets are more like people than pets, and they sometimes become more important, I know my friends dog is like a person protecting her now she lives alone, and it means so much.

Most animals understand humans; they can tell when your sad, happy or angry and they do want to comfort you. They know the difference between people in the family they can sense each individual; animals are not stupid, far more intelligent than you realise. I know a lot of my friends,  their best friends are their animals, and they are like their very own children, they mean the world, just like mine do.

Looking after a pet can be difficult and hard work depending on what animal you get so think carefully when wanting to get a pet, they are had work they are always wanting food, to play, to be cleaned out you have to become a mum to them so think carefully before purchasing, but they are a great distraction they keep you busy, occupied and  very happy while doing so. 

I fully reccomend getting a pet though for comfort, a stress reliver and a friend. 
Here are a few pictures below of all the animals I’ve ever had.

Leave me a message of your favourite animals, or what pet you have, what do they do to make you feel better? What animal would you like if you don’t have one?

happy  loving
much love J

Glorious Goals

what are goals? goals are basically aims, that you strive for, work for, they can be life goals, career goals, fitness goals, big or small.. and the best way to come up with a goal is by using the smart method..

S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound)
Specific – precise, what do you want?! what is the clear ending you see?
Measurable – it is easy to determine if it has been accomplished, can you monitor the progress?
Achievable – don’t set unattainable goals! goals should be set high, but they must also be realistic. can you really do that? or are you suggesting something silly?
Relevant – must be important to you, what do you want, not what does your friend want.
Time bound – make sure each goal has a specific time, can you do it before your holiday, before the race, before your ‘big day’ or not?

this really does help me, goals have to be for you and no one else, they are made and set just for you, as everybody is different!!


what are your recent goals?
has anyone just accomplished their goals?
share it all on here, would love to hear form you all!

happy goal setting
much love J x



Pending Posts

Oh hey, its me Jaydyne the girl behind the keyboard.
So now I’ve finally got round to sorting a blog and sharing it! Eeek. I am quite excited of whats to come and getting to know the boogging world better. I’ve done over 10 post now, and all this had been a long time coming, so many people suggested and said i need to just do it so i just took the plunge. It just seemed a lot of work and when your super busy like me, its hard to fit another thing in but so far I’ve loved every minute and found it quite relaxing.

Im hoping my blog has a mix of things im hoping to use this as somewhere I can talk about my life, struggles, memories, plans, running, fitness, and health related topics and more i want to talk and to do FAQ and Q & A’s for us to get to know each other, to share lots of pictures, experiences, family, happiness, life, party, food, recipes, ideas, advice and tips, and of course emotional posts also.

I really hope you like it so far! If so let me know leave a comment, follow me and share! if you have any feedback or suggestions please do let me know!

I want to get to know you all so much whether its through fitness, general life style, or teaching, so im making this account varied a whole life and happiness blog.

I will be documenting my journey here, sharing it to Facebook, etc..
I am also thinking about starting a YouTube channel, which would be fun! should i?
What would you like me to blog about?
Do you want me to share nutrition and training tips?
Should i start youtube?
Do you want, running tips?
Or routine life blogs?
do you want me to post reviews of healthy food and restaurants?
do you want tutorials?
also any tips also are welcome! (i always need help)

Let me know your thoughts by sending me a tweet, a Facebook post or message, or an instagram comment! i would love to hear from you all. 

But for now have a brill weekend and there are plenty of posts still to come, plenty of pending posts! so speak to you soon! 

happy reading

Much Love J



Special Sister

family is everything am i right..

sisters are special if you are an only child i do feel sorry for you, you really have missed out. siblings can be the best of friends then enemies in the space of 3 seconds its amazingly hilarious, i love it. my sister is called Kirya and she has to be the most caring and supportive friend i have and the devil at the same time, we argue most days and get at each other but guaranteed by the end of the day we are laughing and cuddling once again. i know so may siblings are the same it is just the norm, living with people can be difficult especially if they are similar age.

my sister is now 17, she has been the funniest thing to grow up with she really does make me laugh all the time. i will try and do a sister tag youtube video soon so you can all meet her. if you have met her you know exactly what I’m talking about when i say one minute everything is amazing to the next minute when the world is ending, she is a gemini through and through. just make sure you cherish all the time you have with your siblings as time really does go so fast, and they are the ones that are there through thick and thin.

growing up my sister would copy me with a lot of things, such as my baby borns clothes or fairy topia dolls, she would want to do shows and sing with me, and i loved that, now I’m copying her!, with the make up and hair styles and she hates it.. I’m like just help, i don’t know what contour is?! I just think, help each other grow, whether you have a sister or a brother or both, all stick together help each other, your a team!

Kirya has grown up being very ill all the time as a child and now she has a very serious nut allergy its actually air born so we have to be extra careful, she doesn’t let it stop her from doing things, and socialising and i admire her for this as it can be very tough. she had her first driving lesson this week! i was so nervous for her, yet so very excited she is growing up so fast, faster than i when it comes to driving! make sure you tell your siblings when your proud of them, let them know, they really will love it, it means a lot to hear them say they are proud or support what your doing, means more than you think.

Kirya has no idea what she wants to do career wise, and i think this is fine, so many people are pushing young adults these days into the future, and its scary! she is only 17, loads of time ahead, to drive, to study, to travel even, and Kirya if your reading this bare in mind, don’t get stressed about it life, it will come, and you will find your path, so don’t you worry about a thing, cause every little ting is gonna be alright! Always help your siblings, guide them, ask questions share ideas, as I’ve said your a team, two heads are better than one!

I do have to thank my sister and give her a shoutout to say thank you for all the make up lessons and makeovers she has done on me, you have actually worked miracles, i also have to shoutout and say please remove your false eyelashes from the bathroom as i keep thinking there are spiders everywhere! i also want to say thank you for the massive support, hugging me when I’m crying or ranting when i need some one to agree with me and then listening to me babble on haha, whether its to do with running, my condition, or my career it means so much. Guys remember to listen to each other, comfort and help each other your true friends till the very end.

we have so many memories together, from running around on the landing! (PJ) to knicking each others sweets, “i will give you a bag of sweets if” bribes, from sharing baby annabelle and baby borns clothes, to playing fairies,trampolining and the secret garden, to showing me how to run, do gymnastics and then to apply foundation, playing with our first pets, swimming with dolphins, sharing clothes, sleepovers, HSM movie times, watching Winnie the Pooh and tots TV, mixing nannies wines in the bar, getting my first pandora ring, and eating sugar out the tin with a spoon, from stealing each others knickers, laughing till our tummies hurt and getting told of, to screaming at each other, to making shows to show mum and dad.. I can’t thank her enough for all the amazing memories growing up and more to come.. i feel lucky to have such a special sister like her and i hope she knows how much she means to me and know I’m always here. cherish every memory you make and do more and more things with your specials siblings and family, life is too short, remember that.

Kirya, thanks for being a best friend from the very start.. love you long time

cherish family,
much love J

Super Stretches

Stretching ah, so very important and people just miss it out there training regime so much, so easily missed! Be careful you beautiful people, stretching is more important than you think!

Why does stretching help you??

Stretching helps for posture, confidence, its great for all the muscles, for a  warm up and warm down. Its good for the spine, it helps improve flexibility, correcting posture buy lengthening those tight muscles, helps the potential of decreasing injury, as the muscles are then prepared to work. it also increases blood and nutrient supply to muscles, thereby reducing muscle soreness, it also helps mentally not just physically it helps the mind, such as things like pilates or yoga. There are few things to bare in mind, of how stretching can really help so much. Today’s blog post will be about some stretches I personally do either when training or just to help me feel less achy, tight or stressed.

Frist thing I do every morning is stretch my arms up and then this is lengthening my back, I sleep in a curled up tight ball so this freshens me up for the day. I also roll my wrists and ankles, as these tend to tighten, then usually click a lot. I then stand up straight, really tall, before I begin anything.

Some exercises should be performed after the body is warm so after a warm up of either walking or jogging, step etc., stretching should then be done, (hold each stretch for 8 to 10 seconds each)
I always start from the bottom to the top, so from my feet to my head.
First I start with rolling and circling my ankles, they click a few times you see, then I do a hamstring stretch, quadriceps stretch and also a calf/gastrocnemius stretch. i also sometimes lean to the side as if i were doing a side lunge to stretch out my inner thigh. Them I move on to my middle/stomach area. I tend to roll my hips in circles then lean all the way forward and then slightly back (hyperextension to the back), I then turn side to side to loosen the hips. Laying flat on my back, and then doing a bridge stretch also helps my middles area free of. Then my shoulders and arms, I do big circles with my arms forwards and backwards, then reaching tall and touching my toes (helps stretch my legs to) I then stretch my biceps, deltoids and triceps. I sometimes do a yoga pose to help my shoulders to. I also put my hands in front and behind my back to help stretch out my chest, back and shoulders. I love to do the cobra stretch and bridge movement to help all over body stretch I then, roll my neck, look up, down and sideways to loosen my neck, I will do some after warm up before my training and then again some more after my training. (look up “gastrocneimus” stretch on google, do the same for each muscle i have mentioned there are many stretches you can do, which ever one appeals to you the most)

This is just my way of training, and stretching, do you own research of course this is here to help for inspiration and guidance but it is my own stretching regime made up by myself so I know what’s best for me and my body and my aches and pains, I don’t know yours so adjust and research to help you and your body and even the mind, to relax and destress!

happy stretching
much love J x


Cute Clothes

ok so im not the most fashionable person most of the time i have no idea what I’m doing, but i sure do love clothes, fashion and shoes, like i said in my youtube video, i would describe my fashion style as a little bit cute, vintage, different style, i love dresses and lace, and lots of things from online and camden market just things a little different.

im not into the body con dress, showing my middle in the freezing cold, thats just me. of course every event, and night out is different and i sure own a few pairs of heels but for every day wear I’m a little bit casual and funky, or shall i say everyday I’m usually in work clothes, trackies or my Pj’s oh and i can’t forget my famous, pink dressing gown..

I’m no fashion diva and have no idea what I’m talking about my mother on the other had is much cooler than i and just gets it, so i get her help, yes she still dresses me and I’m 21. but i thought i would share a short and sweet post on some of my recent favourite, cute pieces of clothing just to give you an idea of what i like..

any clothing recommendations you have please leave a comment or link below, love to hear from any of you, i need all the help i can get, fashion and make up i really need a guide!

i love dresses and i hate jeans, here are just a few of my fave outfits. pictures below..
framfest festival adidas dress
my sports wear of course
my vintage lace lily j skater dress from camden
skater jess wright skirt with lace top/dress
red/pink skater prom style halter neck dress
my onesie/Pjs yay
band Ts, including the vigilantes and the ultraviolet march tops
lace top, black dress/dungarees
checkered jackets and comfy leggings
scuba material dresses
nike rose runs, and Dr Martens,and cute pumps and converse
scrappy summer pink skater scuba dress
silk cream halter neck dress
high waisted shorts and baggy Ts all the way
denim dungerees, and floral jumpsuits
my elsa costume when im else of course..
ellesse and other sports top for when i chill,
denim baggy jeans, GB jacket
irregular choice heels
pastel pinks, ragged preist dress
FILA vintage reworked dress
fluffy coats

sometimes i love shopping for clothes other days it can be nightmare! but at the end of the day we all need them!

happy shopping
much love J