Women Wars?


Why are we against each other?
What happened to standing together and being proud?

Empowering and embracing women, not being against?
Standing together?

What is has happened and what is happening?


These days I have noticed so many women criticizing and analyzing other women, it has probably always been their behind closed doors but now social media is everywhere it pushed in the faces of everyone all day everyday, women judging and being nasty, I just don’t get it.


I understand that in life, we are not going to like everyone, we are not going to agree and stand by everyone, we have arguments and fallings out and people just don’t get on that’s fine your not forced to be best mates with this person but what I cant stand is out right nasty people, in my eyes, they are just bullies.


Twitter lately is the place I’ve seen it the most, I follow a girl who is amazing she is an inspiration, well she is to me anyway, she runs, lifts weights, she works, studies, trains 5 to 6 times a week and blogs, vlogs and writes books and articles, her life is hectic her schedule is so busy but she makes it happen and I admire that, some people on twitter have just tweeted her saying awful things about her body image and even her lifestyle and they don’t even know her?


Who are they to judge they haven’t fallen out with her they don’t know her, they don’t know her life, her story in my opinion they are just jealous of what she can and has accomplished and they feel that they have to bring her down to make themselves feel better, to make her feel as if she is not doing bloody awesome and is just like them bitches. Well she isn’t. I don’t know her either she is just another person but that person has feelings and I should have no opinion on her life or body image.


She public named and shamed these people that upset her and I thought it was brilliant, they needed it. They had a lot of people angry and so it should, I just couldn’t believe that we are still in a time where this happens.


As you know I was bullied and I grew up surrounded by girls who said they needed more make up or needed to be skinner “why?” I would say, “are you doing it for you? Or the girl who said you needed to?”


Many people say my clothes are weird some days my outfits are the hippy dippy weirdest thing and anyone that see me I just don’t care, judge me, some people say my lifestyle is hectic and im a little weird but im ok with that, it doesn’t affect me anymore and I just wish more people were like this cause some people do take it to heart and that hurts.


We live in a world now were you can be white, black, gay, lesbian, a goth, a hippy and yes people may have an opinion on that but I really do believe in keeping that to yourself.
“If you have nothing nice today don’t say anything at all?”


We are all different and that’s what makes the world so amazing and so interesting we all bring our own uniqueness so why not stand together like the suffragettes once did and embrace each others “weirdness” together because I know for a fact if I think some one is pretty I will tell them, if I think they are doing themselves proud and working hard I will tell them I admire them. To embrace what they are doing to build confidence in others, If I didn’t like someone’s hair or tattoo I wouldn’t tell them that’s not my place to criticize and judge their choices, I will only encourage and create smiles and that should be the only aim.


Just think about what you’re doing to that somebody.

Be happy and make others happy too, please.
making one person smile can change the world,
maybe not the whole world, but their world.
start small and start now..
Much love J x



Fab Fitness..

Tips for changing your life to a healthy lifestyle all year round rather than just for ‘the summer’ ‘the big day’ ‘your birthday’.
Exercise –

  1. getting fitter, heather and exercising more can be difficult and doing it everyday for hours on end is not realistic nor healthy, a lot of people struggle with this aspect of being healthy.
  2. make it a social event, plan to go to the gym, or a walk or for a class with your friend then it is fun, and you won’t want to let them down
  3. walking everywhere, leave the car at home walk everywhere, all the walks, means burning calories and fat, each one adds up and makes a difference. 
  4. don’t train everyday, keep it to 2/3 times a week, excluding your walks, make them all different from, running to classes, to gym work t dancing or swimming always mix it up and don’t over do it you don’t want to get bored and stop you want to look forward to the days you have planned in
  5. keep a calendar a diary of events you want to do, classes and PT sessions you have booked for yourself they are important meetings don’t let yourself down
  6. think of the feeling afterwards. think about the rush of endorphins how good you will feel after a good workout focus on the positive, happiness feeling when training and after.

Healthier Nutrition

  1. keep a diary keep a track of what your eating and drinking if unsure of what you are consuming, then you will gather an idea and won’t need to look so in depth.
  2. always treat yourself whether is something small daily or weekly never drove yourself.
  3. focus on a colourful plate, keep all the macronutrients in all carbs, protein and healthy fats don’t cut anything, they all have a key part!
  4. research recipes look for cooking fish ideas grab inspiration to make your cooking and healthy mind begin
  5. follow sites, blog, Instagram profiles that will help with deep nutritional advice for you as an individual everyones different so you can’t copy others, but other people can help.

Relaxation/ De-Stressing

  1. go to bed earlier to watch tele, youtube, read, chill, sit in darkness or dimmed lights and slowly you will drift of better.
  2. candles, aromatherapy oils and black out blinds, help sleep, deep sleep and relaxation.
  3. attend a yoga or pilates class, stretch out, do some foam rolling to help your body feel chilled
  4. relaxing with partners/family and friends is key too and nice meal out, and chat and a glass of wine with friends it all key to relaxing in a healthy lifestyle.
  5. as they say laughter is the best medicine a good laugh, releases endorphins makes you feel happier, less stressed and then a more relaxed person.

being an around healthier person comes from the body inside and out as well as the mind. so exercises, nutrition and relaxation works together as a whole to create a healthier, well looked after human. remember these are just my tips, my personal opnion always do your own research too..
                      happy healthier you

                              much love J x

Perfect Product

i had to do a product review on my favourite trainers! many may have seen these floating about social media mainly instagram and adidas sites, but i just had to tell you about them, i don’t think I’ve loved a product more than i love my trainers, I’ve had them since February now, i have gone through so many pairs of trainers and these are defy the best and i will definitely purchase them again.
the pure boost x women running trainers – simply the best.
so where did i see them? these were realised in feb 2016 i saw them online, and on social media and saw they were made for women runners like myself i got very excited watch many videos and looked at many reviews and then begged my dad for them for my 21st birthday.
i got them! i got them in the original colour size 4 yes my midget feet, they felt like clouds support my arch perfectly i got very excited about them and shared them all over my social media and now where them for every training session and race.
have i got more? well funny really i did only have the one pair, until this week, when i purchased another pair in a bright colour again, so no one will miss me run past ha! so now i have two pairs i will always have a spare for racing. i was so very excited when the postman arrived.
so why are they so great? These trainers are so very light, you feel so so fast when running, the arch supports high insteps more than any other sure I’ve ever tired. like stated on the adidas site the trainers hug around the feet like socks -the arch support key for this, rubber soles make sure you don’t slip, and grip well when turning. a gap under the arch and the lightweight material around the top of the foot help support the arch and the natural movement of your foot. the cooler patterns are all beautiful and the mesh over the foot keeps the foot breathing and looking fasionable.
so whats the price? mmm ok a little pricey but we want the best for our runners little feet right? starting from around 40 pounds ranging up to 150 pounds. so not the cheapest and not the dearest. these shoes are crazy good, you have to try me to believe me i know but I’m telling you I’m so happy with them and willing to pay the money.
check out #pureboostx on instagram and check adidas online for more colours and styles, i love them, if you have some let me know what you think and what you love!
happy trainer shopping

much love J x

[product review] – all my own opinions

Magic MakeUp

Make-up, it sure is magic, when you use it properly and know what your doing!

I love make up and at the same time I hate it, I don’t know what I am doing!

So some of my favorite products are below, here are the names so if you fancy buying some you can find it, first picture – I have my benefit small handbag size lip-gloss, my brown MAC eyeliner, Kate Moss lipstick 05, Ted Baker purple glitter eyeliner, LAGIRL PRO concealer, and my MAC lipstick in colour studded kiss.

Second picture -mascara Rimmel lash accelerator endless, the brush applicator is amazing for separating your lashes on this, then I have my OLAY concealer, which is so soft and gentle on the skin, my Primark cheap CC under eye concealer to help my dark bags, this actually works well, and lasts a long time, then I have my SKINFRESH concealer to apply over my Primark one to set and to even skin tone and my face foundation N.07 beautifully matte, I got my skin colour matched at boots so this matches and works very well, lasts a long time and covers well, sometimes can be a little sticky. I also have the N07 under eye concealer but it’s run out now! Waaaah.

Third picture – I have cheap eye shadow, which I use for my eyebrows! As my eyebrows are VERY light I have to be careful not to go over board and look stupid so this light cheap eye shadow works well combined with my brow tamer, then I have bare minerals powder foundation which works well as a setting powder, I now have the Laura Mercier loose setting powder for baking etc. which helps set my make up even better than this powder, the other powders I have are a W7 puff perfection, a technic one and a match perfection one, all off these help with my under ye bags when setting my makeup.

Forth picture- my eye shadow palette is the NAKED2 it’s my fave one I also have a mini pallets for when travelling of the NYX colours, which are beautiful. And extra travel crème foundation I have is an Avon one which helps cover blemishes really well.

Fifth picture- all my brushes, a mix and match most brushes aren’t used for the correct thing either, like I mix my eye shadow brushes up all the time, my sister has to guides me on which brush to use for which make up!

Sixth picture- brown tamer George from ASDA amazing works so well use it every day, maybe cheap but love it, and my brown pencil if I’m going for a darker look

Eighth picture – sun kissed bronze architect, contouring powder pallets by Lucy Meck I love this, guidance tips inside too, so easy to apply.

Tenth picture – contour crème kit Anastasia’ Beverly Hills this kit is amazing for when your going ‘out out’ combined with my powdered contour kit and highlighter I love it!

Disclaimer! – I’m rubbish at make up certainly no expert I love messing around and experimenting and people have asked me about my make up so why not share it? Embrace women not be against them!

As you can see, some are branded some are cheap yet cheerful, I love a mix, and I love finding the right match for my skin, I don’t wear make up very often and when I do most of the time my sister has to sort it out ha-ha. I prefer the natural look but I am a girl and all us girls like to glam up once in a while when going out below are also pictures from my natural self, to when my sister or myself has done my make up. My sister and I will be doing a video on YouTube soon and she will show you all her make up and techniques to help you out, she is amazing I would rather she helped you all than I. any recommendations you have please leave a comment below, any ideas and tips will greatly be revived as I’m just plain not with it when it comes to make up and hair! Send your make up selfies in too! Would love to see what you all use and what you think works best! Leave any comments or questions below!

Happy Make-Up Testing

Much Love J


Help, Hair?!?!

my hair.. so, oh dear my hair!

number 1 my hair needs cutting – i have not had it cut in two years! i know right crazy, but I’ve been on a mission to grow it! when doing my a levels i had it chopped off into a bob and ever since i have just wanted it super long so thats what i did, i left it to grow and grow.
number 2, i need care products – i do love my hair the colour and the length i can do lots of things with it, but it is such hard work, it does get knotted and tangled! what can i get to help this, i want less tangles and more silk like hair?
number 3 what helps when it comes to washing and drying? – washing it i probably use half a bottle of each both shampoo and condition to get it through my thick mop.. then drying it, leaving it to dry on its own is just as a pain as it makes everything wet, dripping down my back, using the blow dryer takes forever my hair is just too much, a lot of time i leave my hair two or three days before washing and stick some dry shampoo on it!
any one else do this?any one recommend some good dry shampoo?

number 4 getting the hair brush through – it can be such a chore, knots, tangles, what can i use to help, a certain time of bomb or brush, some organ oil? better conditioning products.
number 5 new hair styles- i need new ideas, I’m a athlete so up dos mainly but the bun, plaits and ponytail does get boring any body got any hair styling ideas or tips to try?
who knew my hair needed so much help, it needs a good sprucing up i think, can any body help?! Whats hair regimes do you have? Anyone follow any good youtubers for hair? thank you for all your help, my advice comes as far as fitness and nutrition not hair! Thanks again! 
           happy helping, much love J


Training T’s?

well well well.. training gear! I certainly have lots of it.. Why? cause most of it is usually in the wash, so you need spare as im always training and also for all weather types, a different outfit is needed for every race, plus i love training clothes and spend my chill time in training clothes, so i like to buy lots for the fun off it!
makes i like –




usa pro

and primarks own brand of sports wear

reasons to have items –

comfort – key thing to clothing i have to be comfy, especially with sports bras and high waisted shorts/leggings/capris

lightweights – items need to be lightweight and not stick to me when its sweaty or the weather is bad.

baggy – i like items a little bigger and baggy so i feel free like can move and stretch really well.

mixture – of shorts shorts, capris, long thermal leggings, sports bras, vest, crop tops and Ts a mix for the different weather occurrences.  

as for trainers they need to fit properly, fit the foot properly and be light weight and supportive, mainly of my high instep/arch, my trainers are very important to support my feet and my legs, my favourites at the moment are adidas pure boost x a running trainer made for women and  I will be doing a review on these trainers soon to so watch out for that! But previoudly i have loved nike free runs to, as they stretch and move around the foot and the foot rolls across the floor. 

i like matching items, i go for orange, pinks and blues, but also a mix and match of items sometimes, usually bright colours so i can always be seen. 

i shop all over from eBay, to primark, depop and some branded shops, to try to get bargains and a mix and a big range of items. 

let me know what you like, what items do you prefer, what you will now buy, leave me a comment if you would like to know where any of my clothing is from, and any recommendations for me to try, i always need help, thanks for reading

             happy shopping, much love J 


Awesome Apps

so my top 15 favourite apps that i use so much –
youtube – my learning site, i learn so much i literally youtube anything i need to know, or need any help with, there is so much out there its crazy!

word press of course updating my blog on the app is so easy.

rzmindme – a to do/tick list to help with my general every day things to do.

reminderfree – reminding me of the things have to do and the things i have to look forward to YAY!

ebay and depop for a litle bit of cheap shopping.

booking.com app and tranline app for convineice

pages app, for Facebook to make it easier sorting my pages. 

spotify for my music. 

pump up to share ideas to the fitness finatics

snapchat cause thats always fun!

time hop, hilarious i take lots of pics so there is always athrowback to see.  

twitter, instgram and facebook to socialise of course. 

i also love the notes app on iPhone i use it everyday for to do list.

i also have a daily horoscope app that i like to check. 

afterlight and boomerang for my photos editors. 

there is my top 15! 
what apps can you suggest i need or would like? are you now going to download some? share any ideas in the comments below..
             happy apping, much love J x

Being Bullied

I have never really talked about this publicly but people close to me will already know what i have been through..

I know im not the first i know im not the last i certainly didnt get the worst but im writing this to let those who are keeping theirs  quiet know they are not alone and they dont have to be..

lets take it back to the ‘precious papa’ post you may have read, think about what i and my family were going through, at that time, tough times right, well the bullying came at just about the worst time in my life..

when my father had his accident, i was in year 6 just leaving school, to start my new secondary school, because he was in hospital for so many months he missed a lot of my schooling at this time like sports days, competitions, leaving plays, my first day at new school and just special memories like that, he wasn’t able to attend, this hurt as it was..  but in a way because i was so focused on him and him getting better i didn’t really think about school, i didn’t miss school i was ready to leave i didn’t cry, i didn’t really care about my friends moving on, i didn’t care about starting a new school, i was pretty much emotionless, it made me very weird and i admit i think i was a bit of a weirdo and as i grew into a teengaer, a strange kid, i developed OCD and didn’t sleep at night, all down to pure worry about my precious papa.

after spending the summer with him, living in Sheffield we returned to Lincolnshire, i lived with my grandparents for most of this time. my first day of secondary school i can’t remember that well but the next few weeks after that are so vivid.

my first day was pretty much a blur, yeah sure i was nervous, everyone is, and was. i loved my tutor she was awesome,  i did see a cute boy too which was nice, and i was excited to be in the new gym they had created at school.

dinner time was horrid, cueing for food, being pushed and shoved the normal way when in year 7, i remembering buying a roast dinner with my money 2 pound 20 pence and then walking into the hall where everyone sat, i felt like everyone was looking at me and i just dropped everything, my plate, tray and food gone, i shoved it on the rack and ran off, i have a massive satchel and my blazer drowned me i looked like such a moron, i couldn’t find many of my primary school friends that day, they must have done a lot of mingling so i sat on my own a lot, and played with my new pink flip phone i got which i loved. #throwbavk

a few days after i met some new people in my form group, 3 boys in particular, i was very shy and barely spoke but they chatted to me loads like they wanted to be my friends, my close primary school friend said to me they aren’t nice Jay and that they were not trying to be my friend and i should stay away. i wasn’t really bothered like i said i didn’t have a care in the world for anyone else. those following few days the boys never left me alone, following me about, calling me names, laughing and joking between each other i tried to ignore them and didn’t think a lot to it until they grabbed my bag and emptied it all out in front of the year 11s in the corridor i looked like such a weak muppet, they grabbed my new pencil case and snapped and broke everything inside throwing it all over the place, they would then laugh and run off, i would be late for class and get told of for this cause i was picking my things up.

my family were going through such a hard time, i never told my mum or anyone that this had began, the first few days of little things i just ignored and told myself I’m strong when i really wasn’t. i was very small, very skinny and drowned by my blazer and bag, i was an ugly ducking, i didn’t wear any make up and i was very geek like, all my real friends knew this too, but never bullied me for it.

so the instances grew, in form time i would sit by myself while they threw rules and compasses at me, they would pick up my bag near enough everyday and empty the contents out so every time i was left behind. 

one day they tried to do it again and i said “stop, why? its boring now..” and one of the boys stuck chewing gum on me, now not just a rolled up ball you can flick off, it was long, sticky chewy gum that he wiped all over my blazer down my back and into the back of my hair, obviously i moved quickly trying to pull this off me and made matter worse, the three boys laughed and left the room with other students in form, as they left one of the boys turned around and spat at me, i remembering looking around and no one was there, i wanted to go home, but then i just went to the office and the lady there helped me take it out my hair and off my blazer..

 people in my form group knew this was happening but i think they we’re scared so they ignored it a lot, i kept away from them when i could but they would follow, another time in RE, one boy ripped up my homework and book, i then got into trouble, he then snapped my new ruler a friend gave me and they all just laughed and mocked me, somethings like this would happen most lessons. 

form time use to be the worst time, they for some reason after lunch would just feel like they owned the place. must had been something they ate.. i remembering leaving form on time and rushing down the stairs, the biggest boy of the group was honestly built so massive compared to me, like a wall, he pushed me down the stairs and as the stairs turned i fumbled, and fell against the banister this is where he spat at me again. i honestly felt so sick, i want to cry, but not tell anyone too, i felt silly i wanted to be strong for myself and my daddy. 

the next day was too much, i felt really low about my dad this day thinking about my family loads, i couldn’t work or concentrate i didnt move much or speak to people. one of the teachers spoke to my mum about my sad and moody behaviour and how i didnt do anything in her class. oh i wonder why i had other things on my mind im sure..

i answered back to one of the bullies this day and they didn’t like that, the biggest one again, the most aggressive one, slapped me, round the face, laughing hysterically his two little sheep friends followed laughing, and shouting “geek” “ugly ” and i can’t really remember much else, i just remember i was meant to attend period 5 and i sat on the english staircase, by myself and had a good cry. no one found me and at this time i was relieved i didn’t want anyone to know but when i think back maybe it would have been better if someone found me and sorted it out sooner.

the next week or day i can’t remember, was the final straw, my close friend knew that this was happening and he wanted it to stop, he knew my situation and was there for me, he told these three boys privately about my current life situation and the fact my dad had nearly died..
did this make things better? my friend thought he was helping me, he wanted them to lay off and understand my hard time, but they loved this, they knew i was low and they was gonna kick me while I was down.

that day in form again we were playing charades as a class one of the boys stood on the table in front of my whole class it wasn’t his turn in the game but he thought he could do what he liked, he stood on the table shouting “look at me, who am i?”

-‘he acted out a person cycling, falling to the floor and dying’

i will never forget this sight in my life, how graphical he acted it out no one else knew, but my face dropped i felt so sick, i could feel myself go hot and white as a sheet, my friend who had told them was so shocked too he looked at me like “I’m sorry” and looked so sad. everyone left to go to the last lesson. 

i sat there in shock and started crying, shaking all over wondering would my dad ever come home?!

my form tutor came and spoke to me and she didn’t understand what the boy was doing and asked me to talk to her and tell her everything, i told her most things, i don’t talk about every little thing they did to me cause it still hurts i wish i was stronger back then, i wish i stuck up for myself, i dont know if i will ever quite get over that

after my form tutor did get head of year and head of school involved, and i had to tell my mum, who obviously went mental and my family were so upset and angry. i did get an apology from the boys eventually, and some of them expelled hahah,  but still at the end of the day the thought of that time in my life still hurts and i think, maybe if it didn’t happen i would be weaker than i am now, not as strong minded. I feel like it has helped me for who i am today and i know if it were to happen again i most certainly wouldn’t deal with it alone. now most things don’t get to me i don’t get easily upset and hurt. so if your going through a hard time right now, tell someone, stay strong and you will be amazing after it.

much love J x


Travel Time

Home time its is. Bye bye Portugal. Thats it for the Portugal Blogs.. So we are home we arrived home Tuesday the 30th of August, afternoon time. We left the villa at 8:15am so it was a long tiring day of travelling.
After the drive to the airport the 2hour and 45 minute plane journey we made it back to England, quickly grabbing the car and driving home it wasnt a bad journey but made me so tired for some reason. 
Once i got in i checked my mail andthen unpacked my suitcase. In the mail i had received my personal trainers certificate so that was exciting and my sister had passed her GCSE maths so very exciting to come home to!
Everyone was sad, some of us excited to be home in a way, i most definatly wanted to stay in Luz. But hopefully it will soon come round again soon you can see my coming home video on youtube soon. (Jaydyne Overton) check out all my videos. 
Hope everyone had a great summer i know i did. I now need to get back into routine. Now back home and back to normal training, blog writing and hopefully more video making! 
But i need your help i want your video ideas i want your blogging ideas. What do you want from me now? About me? What do you want to see? In blogs and vlogs? What questions do you ask? I will be doing some more vlogging now im back home too and i want to know what my audience wants to see.
Again thank you for all the support with this my career lately, also thank you to family and friends who know me closely. 
Hope everyone had a great summer and till next time Portugal.. Tchau! (Goodbye in Portuguese)
happy summer

much love J x

Warm Weather Weirdo

So as you know in the last few posts we had touched on why and what i do with my warm weather training in Portugal but here is a little more, and a little more reasoning and history behind it.. and why i am a weirdo and love it!

I was in Portugal in Praia da Luz, just 12 days ago, its gone so quick! i love the place it sure is my second home and we have worked out this year i have been coming for ten years now ooo! and my father has been coming for 22 years! Crazy! Now the reason my father came here firstly was to do warm weather training, with some of his fellow athlete friends. this was to get training in, at different heat, humidty and terrain. As i am following his footsteps a little, the same goes for me, when i come out here to holiday. If you are following me on instagram already you may have seen some posts from last year and some of my tough warm weather training sessions.

Most people think ‘ergh’ why would you bother, your on holiday? What are you doing? Why do that?

Well the change of running routine is very exciting, other runners will know why i mean, i love running in different places and different terrain its exciting, and stops you getting bored. the hills here sometimes do get to my chest condition, but i try my best to dig, i then feel proud of myself. I love the heat to it is tough when training but i don’t mind being in the heat, i love being outside for hours and tanning is my favourite thing to do, so i love the hot weather, i also tan ok for a blonde even though i get sunstroke every year once i have had it the first time over I’m ok after that and then my holiday is fab haha. I get out early and get it done before the day gets two hot, and it reaches siesta. (Siesta is a time around lunch time where it gets super hot, tempretures are crazy and you have to be careful and respect the sun at this time, the siesta time is usually between 11am and 3pm) and my run would be about 8am so way before.

So my warm weather training this year included some walks, up hill and on the cliffs, also by the beach front, runs and walks mixed together, changing pace and time i do it for, so a little but of a HITT session (high intensity interval training), and then more steady runs like 3 and 4 miles worth of running, this is usually done on the roads more of a flat road, terrain. coach kicked my training up with some efforts sessions which i wrote about in my last few posts, which were tough, But in all fairness i enjoy it. I do really love it and even though its my holiday and im enjoying myself and relaxing lots, running is my true passion and i wont and dont want to dip out even while here on holiday.

So i use this time out here to chill out, and relax a lot, i sure do! i rest my legs from all the racing and training back home, eat lots, drink more and also enjoy the training more here. i enjoy the fact my body can still do it with my condition, and injuries i get, i’m forever grateful. If you know my family, and what we have been through you will understand why im like this, why i am grateful for every little thing.

happy running (wherever you are)
much love J x