Mental Wellness Challenge Day 2..

Hello angels and Happy January 2nd!

2019 has begun..

How are you going to make changes this year? Most people will think about fitness and diet goals this year which is great and I will do some posts on this time but I wanted to focus on something a little different to start the year and focus on Mental State of mind.

It’s now the 2nd, festive gatherings are all over and reality hits in, gyms are opening and diet and fitness goals begin but I thought let’s bring something not relating to diets and physical fitness but let’s focus on our mental well being.

So this is going to be 20 days worth of the mental wellness challenge see picture below to see what we take on this month, but this will be on my instagram under my busy bee hacks and on my blog to help you angels start 2019 well!!

Day 2 is today which is journal 10 things you are grateful for..

So come on get writing I will do the same below..

  1. my family and boyf (love)
  2. my friends (support)
  3. my dog & pets (my babies)
  4. food
  5. my home/house
  6. my health
  7. my drive/motivation
  8. my jobs
  9. water
  10. clothes and belongings a lot of people take these things for granted the little things mean a lot!

Let me know how you feel what are your top ten?

Much Love J x

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